PRODUCTION PHOTOS INCOMING (Research on how to credit and represent without infringing on any copyright rules)
Production / Creative Team
Book by: Qui Nguyen
Director: Paul Hurley
Assistant Director: Sara Anne Tomczak
Fight Director: Sara Anne Tomczak
Production Stage Manager: Alexandra Baxter
Asst. Stage Managers: Noah Johnson, Reilly Masi, Sammie Pamfilie, Sarah Speedy
Costume Designer: Kelley Shephard
Asst. Costume Designer: Emily Kemmerer
Lighting Designer: Jaemin Park
Scenic Designers: Jenna Jamison, Claire Vogt
Props Manager: Tammy Honesty
Sound Designer: Brea Lecklikner
Asst. Sound Designer/Board Op: Bella Brehm
Asst. Sound Designers: Ezra Silkes, Claire Vogt
Choreographer: Anna Marmaduke
Digital Filter Artist: Serenity Tate
Technical Director: Steve Pauna
Production Manager: Karl Erdmann
Managing Director: Becky Gates
During this production, Alexandra was responsible for running rehearsals, in addition to sending out daily calls and rehearsal reports, as with any other production. What made this production different, however, was that it was run completely online, yet live. This live, virtual production was something that Kent State University had yet to tackle. Alexandra was responsible for running the zoom meeting and simultaneously streaming to Boxcast, which is what would be shown to audiences for three nights only. This brought up internet connection issues, green screen and audio equipment set-up, as well as finding an efficient and safe way to distribute all equipment to company members while most of us were still in quarantine.
In addition to running the livestream of the show, Alexandra also managed the chat and helped to facilitate the talkbacks with company members and the audience via Zoom after each production.
Winners Announced For The BroadwayWorld 2021 Cleveland Awards:
Best Streaming Play - She Kills Monsters Virtual Realms, Kent State University
Best Direction of a Play - Paul Hurley, She Kills Monsters Virtual Realms, Kent State University
Best Editing of a Stream - Paul Hurley, She Kills Monsters Virtual Realms, Kent State University
Best Performer in a Streaming Play - Isabella Torres, She Kills Monsters Virtual Realms, Kent State University